Retail buyers; are your commodities FAIR TRADE certified?

June 4th, 2010

If your consumers are looking for the best commodities such as coffee, tea, herbs etc. will FAIR TRADE certification help them select your products instead of your competitors?

Buying commodities is a real challenge particularly with the environmental changes the globe is going though and the continuing expansion into global markets. Add to that the changing price of fuel and the impact of shipping on the environment and there is a lot that requires measuring beyond price in order to make the right decisions on behalf of your consumers

An organization that can help is TransFair USA who licenses companies to display the Fair Trade Certified label on products that meet strict international Fair Trade standards

The Fair Trade Certified™ label guarantees consumers that strict economic, social and environmental criteria were met in the production and trade of an agricultural product. Fair Trade Certification is currently available in the U.S. for coffee, tea and herbs, cocoa and chocolate, fresh fruit, flowers, sugar, rice, and vanilla.

What do your commodity specifications look like? Ask your e-procurement solutions provider how they can help.

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