Understanding Evolving Business Needs and the Projects that result from them – Part 3 of 4

May 9th, 2012

Are you looking at the source of your IT projects before you plan how to source them?

Today’s post is by Mark Davis; Sr. Vice President of Operations and CTO at SafeSourcing

Yesterday we looked at Vendor Introduced Needs that create new sourcing projects in a company and the steps you can take to begin getting the data and information the business needs to make the right sourcing decisions.  We continue that today with Business Introduced Needs.

Business Introduced Need – There are so many changes, both positive and negative, that happen within companies that continually change needs on almost a daily basis.  Companies grow and acquire other companies, they downsize, they expand into other geographies which cross different time zones, and they get new management while other management departs.  These opportunities lead to changes that require new goods or services that have never before been needed, or that the company could not afford previously.

There are a few things that can happen here as first steps depending on how long the product/service has been known about and researched.  In some cases this means a business case has already been established, details about the business have been collected and the only thing left is to determine the vendors who should be invited to submit a Request for Proposal as to how they plan to supply you with what you need.  Frequently a recommended step in this process that is either included in the RFP process or as a separate step after a simpler Request for Information, is to have vendors perform an assessment of your business and provide what they would recommend in order to address your needs. 

You can accomplish this by issuing each vendor a sample scenario to assess, give each a real world scenario to assess or have them all assess the same scenario, or you can accomplish the same result by simply providing the vendors background on where you are coming from and where you want to head (i.e. Improving File Transfer Success rates by 50%).

For more information about how you can begin to take a look at your companies new projects, please contact a SafeSourcing Customer Service Representative.  

We look forward to your comments.

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