
October 30th, 2014

I am sure I am not the only one a little worried here!

Today’s post is by Shelly Hayre, Project Manager at SafeSourcing.

I am sure I am not the only one a little worried here. Ebola is in the United States and not only has someone been diagnosed with it, but now someone has contracted it here in the States. Is the CDC prepared? Do we have the correct personal protection equipment to protect the nurses, doctor, paramedics, hospital staff, and anyone everyone else?

Many articles online state, “You should not be worried; it is highly unlikely you get infected.” If this does spread and become a bigger issue, are we prepared? Being prepared for an emergency small or big is crucial in the success of running a nation, and even a business.

Is your business prepared for an emergency?

Your biggest fear within the business is probably not Ebola, but what about a tornado, fire, or data breach? Providing emergency planning information to employees so they know what to do if there is an emergency and are prepared for the worst is usually missed by companies. Even if there is an emergency plan, does everyone required to execute it, understand it? Include emergency information in newsletters, on your company intranet, and train all employees for proper protocol.

Prepare for Utility Disruptions

Businesses require water, electricity, natural gas, telecommunications, sewerage, and other utilities. You should plan ahead for extended disruptions during and after a disaster. Evaluate options such as portable generators for backup power and strategies to deal with interruptions of other utilities.

Natural Disaster

When your office or store-front suffers a disaster and the building is exposed, you will need to have protocol on protecting the valuables (money, merchandise, etc.). You will want to call in a professional to temporarily cover the damage to avoid risk to customers and protect valuables. In addition, call a security guard on-site until the damage is repaired. You are at risk when your building is exposed at all times during the night. 

Security Breach

Protecting your electronic data and information technology systems may require specialized expertise, but even the smallest business can be better prepared. Protect networked computers with firewalls, install anti-virus software, and keep software up-to-date. Back up your computer data off-site.

These are only a few of the disasters to be prepared for. Having the right equipment and suppliers ready to service you when needed is important in an emergency. If you do not have a contact for security guards, emergency disaster maintenance, and equipment readily available, you are not ready for an emergency.

Let SafeSourcing help you gather the suppliers and equipment you need to be prepared. We will make sure you are prepared for any disaster and provide reliable suppliers to meet your needs.

We look forward to and appreciate your comments.

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