How are you spending your hours?

April 19th, 2017

There are just not enough hours in the day!


Today’s post is by Steven Belvin, Account Manager at SafeSourcing

There are just not enough hours in the day! Everyone has heard or said this phrase at least once in their life. Sometimes this phase is true and there is simply not enough time to complete a project in one day. However, more often than not, it is a product of poor time management. I am going to give just a couple of tips to better help with your time management.

First, we must understand what time management is. defines time management as “the analysis of how working hours are spent and the prioritization of tasks in order to maximize personal efficiency in the workplace.” An easy way of defining time management is to simply say, “How to utilize the 24 hours that a day provides you?” Simple right? Not so much.  It is very easy to get carried away with a project and to put something else on the back burner. To ensure you are utilizing your 24 hours properly, simply stop and perform a few of these tricks:

1) Write down the task you would like to see accomplished in one week.

2) Prioritize those tasks by importance.

3) Write down the task you should be able to complete in one day.

4) Order your daily task by importance.

5) Put an estimated time limit you expect each task to be completed.

6) Schedule your day according to your task.

7) Buckle down and complete the task on your list.

8) If unable to complete a task, make it your top priority for the next day.

I truly believe that if you follow the above task list you will find yourself getting more accomplished in a single day than you thought was possible. This is why at SafeSourcing we have a daily morning meeting where we prioritize the tasks we must complete in a day. Give us a call so you can witness firsthand how quickly we can get an event complete and start saving you money.

For more information on how SafeSourcing can assist your team with this process or on our “Risk Free” trial program, please contact a SafeSourcing Customer Service Representative. We have an entire customer services team waiting to assist you today.


“time management”. Collins English Dictionary – Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition. HarperCollins Publishers. 17 Apr. 2017. <>.

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