Is your parking lot in need of critical repair from the harsh winter season?

April 19th, 2021

Protect your customers and associates from damage caused on your property by these harsh conditions.


Today’s post is by Troy Lowe; Vice President of Development at SafeSourcing Inc.

It is hard to believe but winter is finally over and with it came All of the harsh conditions such as rain, snow, ice, and the chemicals used to melt these conditions can take a toll on the maintained areas.  Now that spring is here, it is time to have your lots and driveways inspected to make sure that these minor repairs that need to be done can be completed before they become larger more expensive issues.  One of the items to inspect are the drainage systems.  The drainage systems were probably neglected for most of the winter and can become clogged with debris such as leaves, twigs, mulch, and other large pieces of debris.  A clogged or semi-clogged drain can cause corrosion to occur beneath the surface and standing water above the ground that cannot be drained correctly may cause the pavement to crumble.  Another thing to look for is small cracks in the pavement.  When the weather changes from cold to hot it can cause small cracks to appear in the pavement. If you do find that you have these small cracks, then repair the cracks before further damage occurs.  Not repairing cracks will eventually lead to the development of potholes which will lead to more costly problems.  Once all the damage areas are fixed, the pavement should be cleaned, and seal coated.  This should be done about every two to three years to help protect the asphalt.  The seal coating protects the surface from water, sun, and harsh chemicals.  Below are some tips for keeping your parking lot well maintained.

  • Routinely Inspect
  • Keep it Clean
  • Keep it Sealed
  • Remove all Chemical Stains
  • Look for Bad Drainage Areas
  • Fill Cracks and Potholes
  • Refresh the Striping

If you need help finding a licensed maintenance company to maintain your parking lot, feel free to contact SafeSourcing.   Our SafeSourceIt™ Global Supplier Database contains hundreds of vetted companies in this space. We also have lists of Insurance Agencies if your non-repaired lots cause customer property damage or injury.

SafeSourcing  can gather all the necessary information for you and help you decide which vendor meets your needs.  For more information on how SafeSourcing can help your procurement efforts, or on our Risk Free trial program, please contact a SafeSourcing Customer Service Representative.  We have an entire team ready to assist you today.



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