We Can Source Anything Part 2

February 2nd, 2022

Taking a look at some of the more obscure projects we’ve managed  


Today’s post is by Dave Wenig is the Senior Vice President of Sales and Services at SafeSourcing Inc

In this month’s installment of “We Can Source Anything” we’ll consider fuel. I’m sure many of you don’t purchase fuel in bulk, but this is a really good example of how we can truly source anything. In last month’s entry, we talked about jet fuel and charters, so I suppose many of our readers don’t source that either. The point is that no matter how obscure your need or how challenging it might seem to use an eProcurement process to source it, we can work with you.

Over the years, SafeSourcing has worked with some of our customers to source their fuel needs in a variety of markets and for various categories. If you’re a regular reader of the SafeSourcing blog, you have probably read that we have an average savings greater than 24% and that we consider any event that achieves over 25% to be a Grand Slam. These were certainly not Grand Slams from a percent saved perspective, but I would absolutely call them a Grand Slam from a dollar saved perspective. For example, causing the vendors to have to compete for spot buy volumes on 1000 RBOB, 80 PBOB, 50 ULSD, and more caused over 1.5% savings in one market against millions of gallons of fuel.

Along with fuel, we’ve also sourced many additives in bulk for those same customers, also with great success such as IVD additive and others.

Finally, let’s not forget that fuel services may also come into play. Companies that have a diesel fueling service as an example have done very well using our services to source that program savings on average about 7.5% overall. Depending on fleet size, this can become a very substantial source of savings annually.

The point is that SafeSourcing’s services should not be limited to mere supply categories. We do so much more than that. Check back in the future and I’ll share more examples of some out of the ordinary sourcing activities.

For more information, please contact SafeSourcing.




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